I have been out of touch, and I apologize. The holidays came and went, and I was busy working on OHIO. Then I traveled a bit in February.
But I am thrilled to announce that I finally (and I mean finally) have a first draft of OHIO! This has been such a hard time coming. My usual approach—sit down and write, and the story will follow—did not work at all. I think it's because the topic, Mounds of Ohio, is a tricky one to explain to children. I had one plot, then another, then another, and on and on.
I spent way too much time staring at the computer screen, hoping for a break-through. I should have gone out for a walk, as Margaret Renkl in her new book, A Company of Crows, so clearly explains. Movement is critical to creativity. A study to measure creativity in college students found unremarkable results when they were sitting, but once they were up and moving around, the screen lit up with their brain activity. I will remember that.
The last few days, I have been editing OHIO, and there is still a whole lot to do. But at least I now have something to edit!
I highly recommend Margaret's excellent book, A Company of Crows. It's a walk through her backyard garden, month by month, and so much more. A book to relax and revel in. It's truly beautiful.
I wanted to insert a cover image of Margaret's book but couldn't. So here's a crow instead.